Choose a simple cloud solution for sustainable procurement

Discover next-generation eProcurement platform for your supply optimization.

Unique System

Automated professional system for your business

Powerful tool

Multi-featured supply management platform

Simple and intuitive interface

Easy-to-navigate and social platform for efficient communication

Fast user adoption

Easy and quick onboarding with free testing period

Are you ready to increase your purchasing efficiency?

Automate the purchasing process and reduce the time spent on daily operations. Experience shows that customers who automate their processes through the platform reduce their labor costs by up to 20%

Extend your supply chain with an AI-driven system that updates your supplier list on a daily basis. For each request, the number of offers received from suppliers through the platform increases to an average of 9 times

Choose the best among the offers from the suppliers. As a result of the competition between the number of suppliers participating in the conducted surveys, supply costs are reduced to 15%

Create registries by category to improve process and increase efficiency. Accreditation of suppliers increases the stability and security of procurement by up to 50%

Follow your procedures for the purchase process on the platform. Ample opportunities for teamwork and prompt protocolized communication with counterparties speed up and make the procurement process transparent

We have developed flexible pricing to meet your business needs.


0 Monthly
  • No monthly fee
  • Unlimited requests (RFX)
  • Commission for requests paid by supplier -winner of request *


500 Monthly
  • Monthly fee
  • Unlimited requests (RFX)
  • Vendor management system (VMS)
  • Commission for requests paid by supplier -winner of request *


1000 Monthly
  • Monthly fee
  • Unlimited requests (RFX)
  • Vendor management system (VMS)
  • Requests exempted from the commission **

* The commission shown in the table is paid by the supplier selected as a winner of each request. The buyer can undertake the payment of the commission fee instead of supplier for any request.

** First 20 requests of buyer during 12 months are exempted from commission for both buyer and supplier